This novel, written by Altar Kaplan with the lipogram technique, can be described as an experimental novel in terms of the mathematical relations contained in the text.
There is no time and place in Aloda. There is an effort to reach a simpler novel. There is only one person in Aloda; Aloda is both the narrator, the narrator and the writer. It has a triple narrative layer, like the event layer.
Aloda can fall under the experimental novel classification.
First of all, there is no time and place in this novel. There is an effort to reach a simpler explanation. There is only one person in the novel. “Hello.” Aloda is both the narrator, the narrator and the writer. So there is a triple narrator layer, it can be thought of as the event layer. Also, unlike other novels, there is a constant transition between the narrators in Aloda. Whereas, Papadopoulos Apartments were novels in the first person, and Khalifaler Village were novels in the third person.
Aloda, which begins with the sentence “I should have enjoyed it even if I was out of my mind…” referring to the opening sentence of Saul Bellow's Moses Herzog novel, “If I'm out of my mind, he thought, the weather's fine”, Aloda continues with the adaptation of the opening sentence of Nabakov's Lolita and continues with Nabakov's It ends not with the first sentence of the famous poem in Pale Fire, but with the second modified version of the first sentence. Why does it end with the second version and not the first, because that's why Aloda was written: “I was the shadow of a dying butterfly; Appearing in the lying distance of the window glass.”
Perhaps the most interesting point of this novel is that the letter "o" and the number 0 (zero) are not used in the novel, except for Aloda's "o". Therefore, there is no third person singular in the text, there is no third person singular thing that will evoke him. This metaphor has drawn the whole fiction into it like a well. As it can be understood, Aloda is similar to what Ernest Vincent Wright did in “Gadsby” and Georges Perec's famous book Disappearance (which is not the first time Lord Holland wrote a poem called Eve's Legend with the letters “e” long before them) he never used the letter "e" in the novels) without using the letter "o", that is, it is a novel written using the lipogram technique.
However, this Aloda is not just about that. I also added some mathematical games to the novel.
For example: The word "Aloda" is mentioned 153 times in the novel, that is, as much as the number of fish caught by the disciples of Jesus; The section, which is the only piece in the novel written without using punctuation marks, consists of 666 non-repeating words and conjunctions. The writing of the sections named Amel Defterleri, whose software is a reference to 1001 night tales and modern interpretations in terms of style and content, in 1001 characters including spaces; The use of certain sentences and words in the text in certain numbers is all for the purpose of ensuring that the expressions in the section about numbers in the text are schematically included in the text. So in this way, I wanted to have another mechanism operating under the written text.
Finally, the novel has 29 chapters as much as the number of letters in the alphabet. Because of the o issue, since "o" is the 18th letter in the alphabet, there is no 18th chapter in the text. At the same time, the 18th page of the book was left blank for the same reason.